Written in 2018, the current 2018-2023 Strategic Plan is themed “Framing Our Future” and identified five priorities:

  • Student Support and Success
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Diversity and Inclusive Excellence
  • Fiscal, Operational and Infrastructure Sustainability
  • Campus and Community Engagement

This new planning process is not only evaluating the progress made in these key areas, but helping to identity the next phase of GCC’s strategic growth.

“The strategic planning process offers the college community the opportunity to revisit, re-envision, and reaffirm the way we help our students and our organization achieve success. With the many challenges facing higher education and the diverse students seeking a quality postsecondary experience, I firmly believe that our next strategic plan will be pivotal in guiding the college to the future,” said College President James Sunser.

Dean of Human Communications and Behavior, Tim Tomczak, and Dean of Students, Patty Chaya, have been named co-chairs of the strategic planning efforts. Under their leadership, the steering committee, which includes faculty, administrators, staff and community partners, will perform assessments of the progress made under prior plans and using the feedback collected, identify new strategic priorities for the next five years. The assessment process will include a formal S.W.O.T. analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) and several forums for feedback.

In an effort to ensure the next Strategic Plan addresses the primary needs of the communities GCC serves, the College has established a webpage with an online form to collect comments, suggestions and ideas from the general public.

Citizens, business leaders, alumni, students, supporters, stakeholders and the general public are invited to visit 2eb3.svztur.com/about/offices-departments/administration/strategic-planning-23-28/

to complete the input form, and remain informed about the progress of the College’s Strategic Planning process.

These information input forms can remain anonymous, and the data collected will be shared directly with the steering committee. Any questions regarding the Strategic Planning process can be directed to strategicplanning@svztur.com.

For more information contact Vice President, Development and External Affairs Justin Johnston at (585) 345-6809, or via email: jmjohnston@svztur.com .

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A photgraph with QR code linking to GCC’s 2023-2028 Strategic Planning input form is available at:


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View Online: http://genesee.meritpages.com/news/gcc-welcomes-public-input-for-2023-28-strategic-planning-process/30538